How an ancient festival inspired a modern tradition
By Robert Matsumura, Active Media
On February 14th each year, millions of people around the world exchange cards, chocolates and flowers, and express their love. While Valentine’s Day is indeed a cherished tradition, its origins are less widely understood. What is the true story behind this day dedicated to romance? Was there really a Saint Valentine? To answer these questions requires a journey back to Europe during the days of the Roman Empire when Christianity was still struggling to gain a foothold in the West.
The Mysterious Saint Valentine
The origins of Valentine’s Day are shrouded in mystery, with at least three different saints named Valentine or Valentinus recognized by the Catholic Church. One widely accepted legend involves Valentine of Rome, a Christian priest in third-century Rome. According to this tradition, Emperor Claudius II banned marriages for young men, believing that single men made better soldiers. Valentine, a Christian priest, defied the emperor by performing marriages in secret for young couples in love. When his actions were discovered, Valentine was arrested and eventually executed on February 14th about 270 AD. Over the centuries, Valentine became a symbol of romantic devotion and his martyrdom was associated with the holiday bearing his name.
However, other accounts suggest that Valentine of Terni was imprisoned for helping Christians escape harsh Roman prisons. While jailed, he is said to have fallen in love with the jailer’s daughter and performed a miracle by curing her of blindness. Legend has it that he wrote her a letter signed “From your Valentine,” a phrase that has become iconic. Whether fact or folklore, these tales all emphasize Valentine’s courage, faith, and commitment to love.
After much debate over the centuries, a scholarly study was published on the subject in 1966 by priest and scholar Padre Augustino Amore, which concluded that the only martyred Valentine was Valentine of Terni. According to the study, Bishop Valentine of Terni was the only Saint Valentine to be included in all the oldest martyrologies. In further support of this, in 1927, laborers on a road project in the vicinity of the saint’s supposed burial place actually discovered fragments from a Christian martyr’s tomb, thus supporting his existence.
Pagan Roots and Christian Influence
Far before Valentine’s Day was officially established, mid-February was associated with fertility and love in ancient Rome. Celebrated from February 13th to 15th, the pagan festival of Lupercalia was a raucous affair involving sacrifices, feasting, and ritual matchmaking. One notable tradition involved the names of young women being placed in a jar from which men drew at random, forming temporary romantic partnerships — or sometimes
lifelong bonds.
With the rise of Christianity, the Church moved to replace pagan practices with Christian observances. In 496 AD, Pope Gelasius I declared February 14th as the Feast of Saint Valentine, thus effectively Christianizing the festivities. This initiative marked the beginning of Valentine’s Day as a religious celebration, though centuries would pass before the holiday became fully associated with romantic love.
Courtly Love and Medieval Traditions
It was in the Middle Ages when the romantic aspect of Valentine’s Day really gained traction. By this time, Saint Valentine was already regarded as a patron of love, fueled to a great extent by the poet Geoffrey Chaucer. In his 14th-century poem “Parlement of Foules,” Chaucer linked Valentine’s Day to the pairing of birds in early spring, a metaphor for courtship and love.
The exchange of love notes and tokens flourished during this period and became a common practice among the nobility. The first recorded Valentine’s note dates back to 1415, when Charles, Duke of Orléans, composed a heartfelt poem to his wife while a prisoner in the Tower of London. His words are preserved to this day in the British Library, serving as a testament to enduring love.
The Rise of Commercial Valentine’s Day
The 18th and 19th centuries saw Valentine’s Day explode in popularity among the general public. Fueled by advances in printing technology and the development of the postal service, celebration of the holiday really took off. Affordable, mass-produced Valentine’s cards became widely available featuring a plethora of sentimental verses, elaborate designs, and romantic imagery.
In the United States, Esther Howland, nicknamed the “Mother of the American Valentine,” played a key role in popularizing Valentine’s cards. Inspired by ornate English designs, Howland began creating and marketing hand-crafted cards during the 1840s. Her efforts contributed to the transformation of Valentine’s Day into a major commercial event, laying the groundwork for the card-exchanging tradition we enjoy to this day.
Modern Valentine’s Day: Love in All Its Forms
In modern times, Valentine’s Day is a global celebration. In the United States, the holiday has extended beyond romantic relationships to include expressions of love and appreciation for friends, family, and even pets. Children exchange cards at school, while workplaces hold themed events to foster camaraderie.
Other countries add their own unique twists to the celebration. In Japan, chocolate takes center stage on Valentine’s Day with women traditionally gifting handmade or store-bought chocolates to men. A month later, on March 14th, men reciprocate the gesture on White Day, gifting women white chocolate in return. In South Korea, the same two days are celebrated, but a third day is added called Black Day, in which single friends come together to celebrate being single; the name derives from a noodle dish with black sauce. In Finland and Estonia, Valentine’s Day was transformed into Friends Day and includes friends and significant others.
Love in the Digital Age
In the 21st century, technology has taken Valentine’s Day to the next level. Online dating apps help people forge romantic connections, while social media provides platforms for sharing love stories and memories. Virtual gifts and e-cards have also grown in popularity, reflecting the increasingly digital nature of contemporary relationships.
A Winning Combination
Over the centuries Valentine’s Day has evolved from ancient rituals and saintly sacrifices to a global celebration of love and connection. The history of this holiday showcases the universal human desire to express affection and nurture bonds. Whether Valentine’s Day means grand gestures or simple acts of kindness for you, take a moment to reflect on the rich history that has culminated in this yearly celebration of love and good will.