Auction event supports families in need
Community: Elijah’s Heart House
By Olive Gallagher, Contributing Writer | Photos courtesy of Kimmee Auxier

On February 10, a bright winter day that turned into an unusually sunny Saturday afternoon, I turned right into a long allée just off Eilers Road and headed toward a barn complex bustling with activity. From the moment I arrived, I sensed I was in for a very special adventure.
This annual event is for Elijah’s Heart House, an organization created by Jeff and Kimmee Auxier to honor the life of their beloved youngest son, Elijah, who died on Sept. 3, 2017, at age 16, from restrictive cardiomyopathy. The event was off to a fantastic start with 442 tickets sold in advance and the expectation of more than 300 folks attending, including many families with children.
Entering a lovely patio area bedecked with bouquets of artfully arranged fresh flowers, heaters and comfortable seating, I entered the main barn area to find an astonishing array of auction items beautifully displayed on long tables. Along one side of the huge space, there were also tables offering artfully designed and executed Elijah’s Heart House items that would make great gifts for anyone on any occasion. The band was preparing to play for the arriving crowds and delicious aromas from the food trucks parked just south of the barn filled the air. It was evident the exciting afternoon was poised to become another memorable moment.
And it kicked off in fantastic fashion! Fueled by the amazing, almost bionic founder Kimmee Auxier, who seems to have the ability to be in more than one place at any given time, and her dedicated band of volunteers, the afternoon proved to offer something exciting and fun for everyone.
Following a ribbon-cutting for a new playground next to Elijah’s Heart House, guests wandered through the greenhouse and barn, and walked outside to the lake where there was a petting zoo. Darlin’ Donkeys wandered the premises throughout the event and finally converged at the entry, meanwhile children planted seeds in the greenhouse. The live auction featured the professional talent of auctioneer Patrick Siver. Fantastic foods — included in the $25 ticket — were served. Only bar items from Archer Vineyard, Flyboy Brewery and Shaker & Salt cocktails required payment — and those three vendors generously donated 50% of their day’s earnings back to Elijah’s Heart House.
This year, instead of a silent auction, guests could bid on items, all of which were tastefully photographed and packaged by volunteer Becky Rodriguez, either in the online auction prior to the event or during the live auction that afternoon.
One special aspect of the day was the unique chance for parents to bring their children to a deeply personal event that allowed them to connect philanthropy and the loving act of giving back with a real boy who lived and was, once upon a time, just like them. And after meeting Kimmee, his mom, that connection became even more vibrant, as there’s no question that there’s a beating, loving heart behind every detail of the Elijah J. Auxier Foundation and the day.
That’s why there’s no riddle as to why this remarkable event continues to grow exponentially every year. The first year involved 100 people, mostly friends and family, who came to honor Elijah’s memory and the establishment of the house. That event brought in approximately $100,000. The second year, with more than 200 people attending, it brought in $125,000. This year, while the total is not yet set in stone, it’s projected that the event will bring in more than $150,000 with 442 tickets sold and more than 300 folks attending.
Keep your eyes on the website,, for updates on time and place for next year’s event. With each year’s continuing growth and success, there are bound to be even more exciting changes in 2025, and you and your family don’t want to miss out on all the exciting and heartwarming fun of this special day!
For more information, please go to the website at